Connect, Cultivate & Celebrate!

We are making disciples by Educating, Equipping and Empowering…please join us…we need you!

11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:11


  • Please pray for Todd & Shirley Stone as they continue Todd’s rehabilitation. Praise the “missional house” is complete and they have moved in!

  • Please pray for our new, expanded intern ministry. This exciting new addition to KK4Jesus will begin with “summer assistants” in May.  We need long term interns to grow!

  • Please pray that Holy Spirit protects the new to us short bus,  supplies, and driver safely through Mexico and into Belize.  Pray border crossings go smoothly and without trials. Praise the Lord for his faithful provision!

  • Praise for godly mothers!  Pray for mothers that sacrifice so much to ensure that their children are nurtured and raised in gospel truth, are educated, nurtured, and protected.  Pray for the Lord to bless their homes.

  • Please pray for the young people coming to serve this summer.  Pray the Holy Spirit stretches them out of their comfort zones spiritually and that the Lord reveals himself to each one in a new and deeper way. 

  • Please pray the KK4Jesus team finalizes all summer projects in preparation for Family Impacts and Student Ministry teams for the summer.  Pray as we gather, that our hearts are humble, ready to serve in love, unity and steady in our mission.

We are a long-term, focused ministry that began in Belize in 2005. The Kidz Konnect 4 Jesus team is very intentional in that not one more day should pass with a person not knowing Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

KK4Jesus is a long term ministry on the ground in Belize but the core of the ministry is supported by short term Family Impact, Medical and other trips. We are always in need of people to come and serve. Whether you are 4 or 94, there is a real need for you to come and help!

Support is a vital part of furthering our ministry to the people of Belize. With help from donors like you, Kidz Konnect 4 Jesus can minister to the spiritual and physical needs of families today, and tomorrow. Making disciples is hard and costly, but so very worth it!

Over the years, KK4Jesus and our faithful partners have…

•Sent out over 5,000 hard back Adventure Bibles all over Stann Creek

•Provided 5.5 million meals for school and village feeding programs

•Awarded 255 THRIVE scholarships for high school and college

•Built 19 “major” building projects…churches, classrooms, houses

•Seen over 36,000 patients at our medical clinics during 52 trips

•Had more than 8,000 partners come and serve in Belize

•Provided ongoing trainings and workshops for teachers and leaders

•And much, much more thanks to all of our FAITHFUL partners!!!

Come join us on a mission trip!

We’d love to have you join in on one of our trips…you will be glad you did!